Stanley Keleman
Stanley Keleman
The basic, foundational, meat-and-potatoes format of Integral Bodywork® is a series of 10 Sessions which follows a very specific sequence or protocol for working the connective tissue based on a recipe developed by Ida P. Rolf. The Series is an organic progression. Once Session 1 is completed, a flow of change throughout every square inch of tissue in your body is set in motion. For the rest of the 9 sessions the work follows this unfolding or unwrapping of the entire body from the very tip of your toes to the top of your head and every place in between.
The 10 Sessions can have an enormously positive impact on a person at many levels – physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual. The effect is pervasive and far-reaching. We are from the “life is short” school, so our 10 Sessions series is deep and intense and is intended to rev up the process of personal growth and self development. Deep release in the core of the abdomen and pelvis is the signature feature of our series because experience has proven time and again that these areas form the foundation of the body’s structure. They also provide reliable access to the fundamental issues affecting a person’s structure and overall condition.
Open-ended self development is the vision and overall goal of Integral Bodywork®. At the same time, due to the comprehensive synergy of the 10 Sessions process, pain relief and rejuvenation are predictable outcomes over the course of the Series. However, rather than focusing on healing specific issues of the bodymind or pain relief, the Integral Bodywork® paradigm emphasizes growing beyond one’s symptoms or pain as the most productive path of endeavor. As Ida Rolf used to say, “pain relief is free lunch!”
The entire Series can be repeated indefinitely so one can continue to cycle through the 10 Sessions as the years go by and continue to reap tremendous benefit. Each time through brings new levels of opening, release, insight and growth. Indeed, the Series is an incredibly effective and efficient pathway for personal growth and transformation over the course of a lifetime.
Integral Bodywork® can result in: rejuvenation reduction of pain, improved posture and alignment, increased mobility and flexibility, increased breath capacity, and increased awareness, lightness, space and freedom in the bodymind.
Integral Bodywork® can be beneficial for: spinal conditions: scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, depression, fibromyalgia, trauma and abuse issues, life transitions, bodymind disciplines (yoga, martial arts, meditation, dance, etcetera), and creative endeavors (music, voice, fine arts).
Session 1 is about opening up the superficial levels of breathing.
By the end of this session
your breath will be more expansive
your shoulders will be further back without effort
your upper chest will be more open
your ribcage, arms and shoulders will be more mobile
you will feel taller, straighter and lighter

Session 2 is about enhancing your foundation and further releasing the shoulders.
By the end of this session
your feet, ankles and knees will be less tight, straighter and more mobile
you will be more solidly rooted and grounded through your legs and feet
your shoulders will be further back and they will be lighter and more relaxed

Edges of the body
Session 3 is about releasing the lateral edges of your body from feet to neck and it ends with comprehensive work on your back.
By the end of this session
your back will be much more open and alive
your neck will be more mobile
you will feel taller, straighter, lighter, more expansive, balanced and serene

Below The Pelvis
Session 4 addresses tightness and shortening of the tissue up the insides of the legs which restricts the floor of the pelvis and the rest of the structure above it. This if followed by initial deep work to open up the abdomen.
By the end of this session
your feet will be making more complete, grounded contact with the Earth
you will have increased mobility of your pelvis
your abdomen will be more open
you will experience new space inside your abdomen and breathe more deeply

Above The Pelvis
Session 5 begins by releasing restrictions along the periphery of the abdominal walls. This is followed by intensive work in the depths of the abdomen and pelvic bowl which has a liberating effect on the whole structure and the breath.
By the end of this session
your breath will be much more expansive
your pelvis will move more freely
you will have much more awareness and space inside your abdomen and pelvic bowl
your posture will be more erect

Back of The Pelvis
Session 6 begins with releasing tightness in the connective tissue up the back of the legs into the buttocks. This is followed by comprehensive work in the deeper tissue of the rear end which increases the alignment, integration and freedom of the entire body from head to toe.
By the end of this session
your pelvis will be aligned more directly underneath your upper body
you will experience more lift and openness in your ribcage
your pelvis and legs will be more mobile and there will be more flow in your stride
you will stand much taller and straighter

Head and Neck
Session 7 involves releasing the shoulders, neck, mouth and head which allows the neck to lengthen and the head to re-align itself back over the rest of the body.
By the end of this session
you will achieve a strong, clear head-to-toe vertical alignment
your shoulders will be further back and more relaxed and open
your neck will be longer and more mobile in all directions.
your head will feel lighter and more open
at this point in the series, the structure is stable so it is a good time to take a break for a while if necessary

Lower Body
By the end of Session 7 the whole body from the top of the head to the soles of the feet has been worked one time. The overall structure is much more open, organized and aligned and the entire bodymind is in a heightened state of fluidity and transition. In the last 3 sessions we work through the whole body again to take advantage of this condition.
By the end of this session
your legs and pelvis will be further released and more mobile, fluid and aligned
your abdomen will be longer and more open
your breath will be more expansive

Upper Body
The release of the lower body in Session 8 makes possible further release and alignment in the arms, shoulders and ribcage when we work the upper body in Session 9.
By the end of this session
you will experience much more “lift”, expansiveness and openness in your ribcage
your arms and shoulders will be lighter and more mobile
your breath capacity will be very expanded
you will feel more integrated throughout your entire structure

Session 10 is about achieving maximum release of the abdomen and pelvis which in turn allows the spine to lengthen and gain increased mobility and fluidity. All the work of the previous 9 sessions comes to fruition in the freedom of the spine attained in Session 10. The serpentine movement of an open, released spine is made manifest. The series concludes with a thorough integration and alignment of the whole body.
By the end of the session
you will be taller, straighter and lighter
more open, spacious and expansive
experience deeper breath,
feel intensely present and alive, centered, uplifted . . .
and HAPPY!!